Nvidia Deep Learning Institute Instructor Certifications
This mentorship group aims to share some of the information I've learned about getting certified to lead Nvidia Deep Learning Institute workshops. It will also be a opportunity to gather feedback about the process to relay to our industry connections.

- must meet the required instructor requirements for one of the DLI workshop (https://developer.nvidia.com/dli/workshoprequirements)
- alternatively, a mentee may apply if they've already received a instructor certificate and is interested in discussing how to save time for further certifications
This mentor group is aimed at helping others navigate the process of applying and leading Nvidia Deep Learning Institute workshops. Furthermore, we will discuss how the DLI instructors, Ambassadors, and Teaching Kits all relate to each other.
The ideal participation structure will be that a mentee is interested in applying to become certified, and mentorship meetings will be held during the 4 week process to help them avoid obstacles that can complicate the process and lead to wasted time.
A concrete outcome from this mentorship group over time will be a set of feedback that can be shared with the Nvidia industry connections in the hopes that certain common pitfalls can be addressed.

University of Arizona