Dr. Stephen Wheat has an HPC background working for HPE. He has recently acquired used equipment for general use at ORU.
41 servers, DB, etc, 1200 cores. Brodwell/Omnipath.
Tytan. TU involved (50% workload), regional. Serves Tandy.
100Gbps One-net connection. OneOKII
Stephen restarted CS department.
Large users. (chemistry, bioinformatics (whole genome))
MRI Request. Jan submitted. 3200 cores.
Camren and East Central collaboration.
Ambitions to be a regional resource - research grant collaboration, compute etc.
Biggest Challenges:
Undergraduate Institution.
Added sysadmin class - hoping to signup.
ACTION: mentor program here?
(systems sysadmin, software sysadmin)
Growing Research?
How can we help?
Researcher Engagement.
Student Engagement.
Regional Resource Discovery.
Followup email:
Need for Researcher Engagement to help talk about Research Computing in general, the CyberTeam, and to coordinate a Software (or HPC) Carpentry workshop, and have a general conversation about the CI environment at ORU. It would be helpful to identify some key researchers at ORU as part of this process would be good as well.